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Sasha GP


Read more information about Sasha GP.


Sasha GP?

Sasha GP means Sasha Gut Punch, this is a website founded on 12 August, 2017.


This website wants to enjoy the art of fighting, like wrestling, fictional torture and gut punching.


Luckly, we don't use real people, we just use 3D young fighters or gut punchers.


These inmortal 3D models shall be gut punching untill the end of my life, you know, I'm a human producer.


Thanks for visiting and reading about this site.


Why Sasha?

-Sasha was the name of an old friend of mine.

Can I create my own videos?

-Yes, you can create your own videos, there are no limits for money.

Can I create a 3D model?

-Of course, there are no limits for money as I said beofore.

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